Free Printable Vocabulary and Spelling Crosswords Worksheets
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Thanksgiving Crossword Puzzle #1
1. A group of related people, as in, "Our ______ always gets together for Thanksgiving."
3. The Macy's Thanksgiving Day ______ has floats, marching bands and giant balloons.
1. A big festive meal, for example, a big Thanksgiving dinner
2. Breakfast, lunch or dinner
4. Have a meal, put food in your mouth
- 1F A 2M I L Y
- E - E - - -
3P A R A D 4E -
- S - L - A -
- T - - - T -
1. A group of related people, as in, "Our ______ always gets together for Thanksgiving."
3. The Macy's Thanksgiving Day ______ has floats, marching bands and giant balloons.
1. A big festive meal, for example, a big Thanksgiving dinner
2. Breakfast, lunch or dinner
4. Have a meal, put food in your mouth
eat family feast meal parade
- 1T U 2R K E 3Y
- H - E - - A
4S A U C E - M
- N - I - - S
- K - 5P I E -
- S - E - - -
1. A big bird that many people have for Thanksgiving dinner
4. Many people like cranberry _____ with their turkey.
5. A favorite Thanksgiving dessert is pumpkin ___.
1. Christmas is a time to give gifts and Thanksgiving is a time to give ______.
2. A set of cooking directions that tells you how to make a dish
3. A favorite Thanksgiving vegetable, another name for sweet potatoes
pie recipe sauce thanks turkey yams
- 1F E A S 2T - - - - - - -
- O - - - U - - - - - - -
- O - 3N - R - - 4G - - - -
- 5T H A N K S G I V I N G
- B - T - E - - V - - - -
6F A M I L Y - - I - - - -
- L - V - - - - N - - - -
- L - 7E A T I N G - - - -
1. A big festive meal, for example, a big Thanksgiving dinner
5. The holiday that is on the fourth Thursday of November
6. A group of related people, as in, "Our ______ always gets together for Thanksgiving."
7. Putting food in your mouth or what we will be doing a lot of on Thanksgiving Day
1. Many people watch or play this sport on Thanksgiving.
2. A big bird that is often Thanksgiving dinner
3. An original inhabitant, as in, the turkey is ______ to North America
4. The second part of a compound word that is the name of the holiday when many eat turkey and watch football
eating family feast football giving native Thanksgiving turkey
1T 2H U R 3S D A 4Y -
- A - - W - - A -
5T R A V E L - M -
- V - - E - - - 6M
7V E G E T 8A B L E
- S - - - T - - A
- 9T U R K E Y - T
1. Thanksgiving is always on this day of the week.
5. To go from place to place, "Many people ______ to be with their family for Thanksgiving."
6. Food that is a plant, "Yams are a common _________ at a Thanksgiving dinner."
8. A big bird that many people have for Thanksgiving dinner
2. The gathering in of crops, "Thanksgiving is a holiday to celebrate a successful _______."
3. The opposite of sour, "Another name for a yam is a _____ potato."
4. A favorite Thanksgiving vegetable, another name for a sweet potato
7. The past tense of EAT, "I ___ too much at our Thanksiving dinner."
ate harvest sweet Thursday travel turkey vegetable yam
1C A R 2V E 3S - 4F
R - - E - 5P I E
6O V E N - I - A
P - - I - C - S
- 7D E S S E R T
- - - O - - - -
- - - 8N O V - -
1. Cuts, uses a knife to slice the turkey
5. A dessert with a crust, that is often filled with pumpkin for Thanksgiving
6. Preheat this and then put a pumpkin pie in it to bake.
7. A sweet ending to a meal, for example, pumpkin pie
8. Abbreviation for Thanksgiving's month
1. Plants grown as food that we harvest before Thanksgiving
2. Deer meat, which was part of the first Thanksgiving feast of the Pilgrims
3. A dried plant used for flavor, such as cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves or mace
4. A big festive meal, for example, a big Thanksgiving dinner
carves crop dessert feast Nov oven pie spice venison
1P U M P K I N - -
I - - - - - - - -
2L E 3G - 4S A U 5C E
G - R - E - - A -
6R O A S T - - R -
I - V - T - - V -
7M A Y F L O W E R
S - - - E - - - -
- - - - R - - - -
1. It's big and round and orange, and also a favorite kind of pie for Thanksgiving
2. The lower part of this on a turkey is called the drumstick
4. Many people like cranberry _____ with their turkey.
6. Cook in the oven, the way you cook a turkey at Thanksgiving
7. The ship that brought the Pilgrims to America
1. They sailed in the Mayflower to America.
3. The sauce made from turkey drippings that you pour over meat and mashed potatoes
4. Somebody who settles in an area, like a Pilgrim
5. Cut, slice the turkey with a knife
carve gravy leg Mayflower Pilgrims pumpkin roast sauce settler